Merlin Guide: Intro to Hair Washing

RossGuides, News

Welcome to Part 2 in our Merlin Guide. This time we will be teaching you how to use your Merlin products to achieve the best possible results. Stay tuned for the next post, where we will be teaching you how the shampoos actually work. If you missed Part 1, where we gave an introduction to the Merlin brand, be sure to catch it here.

You may be looking at the length of this article and wondering who in the world has time for ALL THESE STEPS. But don’t worry, a lot of this stuff is stuff you are probably already doing, and have been doing since you were five years old. As you read, think about the small adjustments you can make to your hair washing routine so that you are maximizing your great hair, and minimizing damage and stress that can lead to ‘bad’ hair.

STEP 1: The First Cleanse

  • Pour your first shampoo into your hand — no larger than a 10p coin — and lather between your palms.
  • Apply to your scalp, paying attention to every part of your head. If you have long hair you may need to lift your hair to get the product onto your scalp.
  • Using your fingertips, gently but firmly rub the product around your whole scalp. Any lather that runs down your hair can be used to cleanse the lengths and ends. Keep your movements gentle but firm, as scratching or pulling may damage your scalp or hair. It is normal that you don’t see many (or any) bubbles as this first cleanse starts to lift the oils on your scalp (think of what an oily pot does to the bubbles in your kitchen sink).
  • Rinse thoroughly with clean, warm water.

STEP 2: The Second Cleanse

  • Repeat Step 1. You may notice more lather this time, since you have hopefully rinsed away a lot of the oils and dirt during the first cleanse.

STEP 4: The (Optional) Treatment

  • Use your towel or hands to squeeze out as much moisture as you can. Be careful not to wring or rub the hair too much.
  • Apply your treatment to your hair. Again, be sure to get the product through as much of your hair as you can.
    • Treatment sprays can be applied directly to the hair; make sure to use as many pumps as you need to saturate the hair.
    • Treatment in a tube or tub can be rubbed between the palms before applying; again be sure to use only a small 20-p coin-sized amount.
  • Leave for up to 15 minutes, or as long as prescribed; any longer will not necessarily give better results.
  • Rinse thoroughly.

STEP 5: The Sealing

  • Use your towel or hands to squeeze out the moisture.
  • Apply a 20-p coin-sized amount of conditioner to the lengths and ends of your hair, avoiding the root area.
  • Leave for 2-5 minutes.
  • Comb the conditioner through, starting at the roots and going down to the ends of the hair. This will help to deposit conditioner to the roots without over-conditioning your scalp and adding unnecessary weight.
  • Rinse thoroughly.
Some Other Things to Note
  • Historically, people were warned against washing their hair daily; they feared they were stripping away natural oils, drying out their hair. While using the wrong products in excess can certainly lead to damage, new research has revealed that daily washing or cleansing away a build-up of oil doesn’t necessarily lead to an unbalanced scalp. When in doubt, go with your what your hair says and clean it when it needs it.
  • It is important to shampoo your scalp more than once every time you wash your hair. The first cleanse lifts all of the oil, pollution, sweat, styling products, etc. that have built up over the day(s) since your last cleanse. Think of it like cleaning a floor covered with lots of mud, grease, and crumbs — you wouldn’t go right in with a mop and consider it clean, you would take the time to sweep up the debris before mopping, maybe even doing a second mop if needed.
  • If you don’t wash your hair daily, or your hair is exceptionally grimy that day, you may need a third (or fourth) additional cleanse in order to get your hair to its cleanest. You will know if your second cleanse has littler lather and you can still feel residue on your scalp.